Vibrant Vagina

I’m Emily Clay, and I’ve had the misfortune of being consistently rejected when it comes to intimacy with my long-term partner. Now, you might be wondering, “Isn’t that a bit TMI?” Well, yes but shouldn’t we all ask ourselves WHY it’s TMI? Sexual health is just health after all.

We’ve been fed the idea that discussing the complex world of intimacy is as tacky as showing up to a black-tie event in a Carhartt onesie. I’m here to shatter those social norms and talk candidly. Why? Because I’m tired of the shame that surrounds older women and sex. Society tells women that after a certain age, we should trade in our lingerie and disappear into the sunset. So, where does a curious person like me turn to for candid discussions about intimacy (or the lack thereof)? Friends are great, but let’s face it, their minds tend to drift back to their own romantic rollercoasters. Therapy? Sure, it helps, but it lacks the vibrant diversity of opinions that only a broader discussion can provide.

I’m curious about how women handle consistent sexual rejection and the impact it has had on their mental health. Not one to shy away from taboo topics, I study the intersections of psychology, relationships, sexual behavior and longevity. Recently, I took an intensive course from the Kinsey Institute. I’m also a graduate student in Sexual Health at the University of Minnesota. I’ll talk about things I’m learning, uncover myths and provide tips that hopefully help others. I won’t be clutching my pearl necklace when discussing these topics and I hope you won’t hold back either.

Emily Clay

Founder, Vibrant Vagina
Sexual Health Researcher & Advocate

Inspired by Dr. Pepper Schwartz

My inspiration? Dr. Pepper Schwartz, my Sociology professor at the University of Washington. Her book, “Prime: Adventures and Advice on Sex, Love, and the Sensual Years,” got me thinking – why should age define our sexy, vibrant selves?

In her book, she urges us to embrace our sexuality and go after whatever makes us feel alive, even if it means giving society’s expectations a toss out the window. And let’s squash the myth that once you hit a certain age, you’re supposed to hang up your frisky side. Nope.

Many of us are jumping into the dating scene for the first time in decades, and wouldn’t it be fabulous to have a no-judgment zone where we can share what it’s really like to be a fierce, older woman taking charge of our sexuality? If you’re with me, let’s make this a place where anonymous stories flow. I have a feeling I’m not alone.